Delete all of the books from databases, if you no longer need it or leave it as a compliment 😊
Add new books by searching for + button beneath all the cards at any database view, with a help of buttons you may find on the menu on the main page or by using web clipper, details below.
Remember to manage and declutter books: when you start or end reading a book - change it’s status in an appropriate view.
When finished a book, remember to finish it and update the status.You can simply copy and paste something you wrote below
If you want to track not only borrowed and lent books, but to structure the whole library - consider creating a new database “My Library” or simply use my template (available here), you can interconnect 2 databases (My Library” and “Borrowed Books” all together to see the traction of your books).
That’s it!
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to write me by e-mail (i answer fast) or by twitter. I’ll be glad to answer any questions to assist you and improve the template further.
Below you may find the most common questions, other people already asked me before. Hope this is helpful!